Saturday, August 18, 2012

Travel: Utah

Hello friends! I didn't mean to disappear quite as abruptly as I did but I left for a mountaineering vacation in Utah. I even had a post ready but couldn't find a reliable internet connection, hence my absence. Now that I'm back I've decided to post about my trip first.

Where: Zion National Park, Utah; more specifically on the way to Observation Point - 4 miles uphill, 4 miles downhill. I'm a mountains and snow kind of girl so this vacation was nothing short of heaven on earth.
A deep canyon on the way to Observation Point
Left: self explanatory || Right: a waterfall at the Emerald Pools
Observation Point
Grafton, a ghost town reminding of the days of the pioneers
View top of a mountain
The very edge of a cliff
Note: Even if heights don't bother you don't make the mistake of looking out into the distance for too long when standing at the edge of a cliff. You will get disoriented and run a serious risk of falling. This is moments before my head started to spin.


  1. Oh my gosh, these are amazing photos! I'm scared of heights, so I wouldn't have gotten so close to the edge of the cliff. Looks like you had a fun trip. What was the best part?

  2. Welcome back Anna! I am amazed by these photos, the scenery in Utah is absolutely breathtaking! I love the last photo, it looks like you are in 3-D lady :)

  3. Utah looks gorgeous! I love the picture of you standing on the cliff. It's a great shot.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  4. Amazing pictures! Gorgeous! :)


  5. You are a mountaineer?! What else do you do, talented woman?! Love these gorgeous pictures, this looks so fun.

    <3 Cambria

  6. I'm impressed with the distance you ran - up a mountain, no less! Such beautiful photos - thanks for sharing :)

  7. OMG Anna, you are brave girl. This is definitely not my cup of tea. Amazing photos and views. Utah seems beautiful.I love the photo of you jumping those cliffs but it does look dangerous.


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